
2020年6月2日—Anothersolutionistouse--ignore-failed-readoptionwithtarcommand,whichallowstarcommandtoignoreandcontinueonunreadablefiles.,Theerror:filechangedaswereaditerrorshowstarcommandistryingtoreadafilethatisbeingmodifiedatthesametime.Readmoreinthisguide.,2022年10月5日—Ontryingtotarfilesthataregettingchanged,Iamreceivingthismessage-tar:filechangedaswereadit.Iamtryingtosuppressthis ...,2020年...

How to fix tar command "error

2020年6月2日 — Another solution is to use --ignore-failed-read option with tar command, which allows tar command to ignore and continue on unreadable files.

How to Fix tar Command “Error

The error: file changed as we read it error shows tar command is trying to read a file that is being modified at the same time. Read more in this guide.

How to suppress warning messages in tar (GNU tar) 1.15.1?

2022年10月5日 — On trying to tar files that are getting changed, I am receiving this message - tar: file changed as we read it. I am trying to suppress this ...

Migrating instance with large LFS store, tar

2020年7月31日 — I have no direct experience of what you're doing, but “tar: file changed as we read it” suggests that tar was reading a file and was backing it ...

TAR error — `wp-content

2019年10月17日 — I would search on the Internet or read the tar Manual Page using either the tar --help Command or the man tar Command and see if that tar: ./wp- ...


2013年12月2日 — Warn “file changed” when the file's size, mtime, user ID, group ID, or mode changes, instead of when the file's size or ctime changes. Also, ...

tar压缩提示file changed as we read it

2022年8月16日 — 确定包含,所以根据现象反推,应该只是一个提示。也就是没有变动的文件,会被打包成功,有变动的文件,肯定只能打包了当时的那些内容。


问题在对某应用代码文件进行版本备份过程中,tar命令报错:/bin/tar: app/util: file changed as we read it导致命令返回值非0,备份脚本失败退出。分析根...


2020年11月4日 — 文章浏览阅读1.2w次,点赞7次,收藏10次。问题在对某应用代码文件进行版本备份过程中,tar命令报错:/bin/tar: app/util: file changed as we read it ...

Copy Changed Files - 異動檔案備份工具

Copy Changed Files - 異動檔案備份工具
